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Saturday 20 October 2007

The Poker Game- A Glossary Of Terms

Poker Game Glossary Of Terms

A through to F

The 'A's-

Action- Getting involved in pots i.e betting


This is when put in all your chips on a single hand. This lets you see all the community cards & get in on the showdown.

The 'B's

Bad Beats-

To lose when favourite to an underdog opponent. Happens to all players, even the best at some point, & should be approached philosophically.


The player immediately to the left of the dealer plays the small blind, & the player to HIS left then plays the big blind (double the smallblind usually). These are compulsory bets to ensure there is money in the pot play for.


This what the community cards are collectively known as.


This is cost of entering a tournament or to sit down at a game.


To match a previously made bet.


When a player doesn't want to place a bet, he checks. Can only be done if there is no current bet on the table.

Community Cards-

The cards that are dealt face up in the middle of the table that all players can use to make their hand with in Texas Hold'em & Omaha poker.

The 'F's-

Fifth Street-

The 5th & last of the community cards dealt.


The first 3 community cards dealt in Texas Hold'em after the 1st round of betting.


5 cards of the same suit.


To take no further part in a pot & throw in your cards.

Fourth Street-

The 4th community card dealt in Texas Hold'em.

Full House-

A 5 card hand combining a pair & three of a kind.

Poker Game Glossary Of Terms

Texas Hold'em-Top Tips For Poker Success

Texas Hold'em-Top Tips For Poker Success

Use these top poker tips to super charge your limit Texas Hold'em & take your opponents to the the cleaners.

1) Always fold mediocre or poor hands-

Do not fall in to the beginners trap of playing every hand from any position. It sounds simple enough but, however, the majority of new or poor players want to imitate the professionals on tv. Watch some games closely & see just how many players get involved in pots with bad hands & lose their shirts, you will be astounded. It may be of some value to keep a close track of every hand played of a selected period of time to work out the percentage of hands that lose the most amount of money. This is relatively easy to do in online Texas Hold'em.

2) If you are not going to fold, then raise!-

Another beginners mistake is being confident enough of their hands when they do get a decent set of cards. Why bother just calling if you are not comfortable enough to raise. If this is the case then perhaps you should not be taking part in the hand at all, although there are always exceptions to the rule. Using this strategy of folding or raising can make you an extremely difficult & formidable opponent to play against.

3) Leave your ego at the door- You are not a professional, YET!-

It is time to talk about the biggest misunderstood area of all by inexperienced players, which is bluffing. That is not to say that bluffing can be very effective used in the right way. By that i mean if the strategy is used selectively against timid opponents in tight games. The problem is that once you get noted as a bluffer it becomes ineffective. To be honest it is extremely over-rated & all decent players can remember big bluffers above all else, do not get tagged for it i implore you, or you could end up getting to the nitty gritty (ie the showdowns), you will become very dependent on your hands.

4) Watch out for weak kickers-

An enormous amount of pots are lost with weak kickers in Texas Hold'em. The rule here is simple, do not play high cards if they are with weak kickers. Or you could find yourself in some very tight spots.

5) Texas Hold'em & the art of detachment-

All poker players, even the good ones get bad breaks at some point or another so it is important to remain calm & keep a sense of detachment. The best poker players know this because losing control & going on tilt only prolongs the losing streak & the agony.
So there are the basics to successful & winning poker. Study them & put them into practise, & soon you will be scooping up the chips & raking in the cash.

Texas Hold'em- Top Tips For Poker Success

Tuesday 16 October 2007

Rocketing To The Top Of Online Multiplayer Poker In A Sea Of Sharks

Rocketing To The Top Of Online Multiplayer Poker In A Sea Of Sharks

The minefield that is online multiplayer poker is littered with the broken corpses & shattered dreams of once hopeful beginners. Here are theessential tips & pointers that will give you 3 of the attributes needed to rocket you to the top of the pecking order & start stuffing your wallet.

1) Table Selection -

It may sound obvious but it makes sense that if you can regularly find online multiplayer poker tables with a few players who are worse than you then you are almost guaranteed to be a regular winner. As the saying goes, 'If you look around the table & can not see the mug then it is you!' At online sites it is often a good idea to look around in the lobby where a lot of information can be gleaned from table statistics such as average pot size, or the number of players seeing the flop at any given table.

2) Hand Selection -

Once you have found a potential profitable table, then it is time to maximize that potential. This may sound ridiculously simple, but in Low-Limit games then that may just mean waiting for better cards. Many beginners in in online multiplayer poker tend not give thought to any tactical play, often just playing any hand from any position, maybe just through boredom. By applying a little bit more thought, it is possible to easily make big profits.

3) Aggresssive Play -

You will often find that having waited for a decent hand & used your position wisely that other players will be very much more cautious of tangling with you as they will have sussed that you are probably entering a pot because you have a very good reason to. In face of this, then if you are prepared to play aggressively even if you make nothing on the flop you will leave yourself in a strong position. This is because your opponent will likely have nothing themselves or fold in fear of you having a strong hand.

Overall, if you are prepared to stay level headed & forget your ego, then using these strategies as a starting point will get you ready for blast off onyour rocket to the top.

Online Multiplayer Poker
