Learn Black Hat Insider Secrets

Wednesday 10 October 2007

Black Hat Poker Strategy Uncovered

Black Hat Poker Strategy Uncovered

I don't know about you but i'm sick of hearing from all these so-called self-professed 'gurus', 'sharks', 'experts' or call them what you will, so i didn't pay too much attention when i was contacted by my friend Pete who was raving that i'd just gotta see this 'new' coaching system from Master Poker Coach Curtis E Williams.

The bold claim he was making was that within ONE short week he can give the skills to crush 99% OF ALL PLAYERS WORLDWIDE!

Well that's certainly some claim!
But yeah yeah, haven't we heard it all a thousand times before & truth be told, it's usually BALONEY!

But something (or someone) kept nagging away at me, so when i then heard that 'The Grandfather Of Texas Hold Em' Doyle Brunson was actually calling this guy up on the telephone, i decided to sign up for this exclusive membership. I gained instant access to the coaching materials & expectantly started my study.

Boy, was i taken aback by what i was being allowed to see. I couldn't believe my eyes! There was detailed videos, pdfs, software, tools & interviews, & here's what i learned;

  • The real insider story about so-called 'Pokerbots' or cheating software, how it works, which are real, & which are a waste of time & money.

  • Insider strategies used by the top pros to crush the opposition & QUADRUPLE their firepower.

  • Live videos of Curtis smashing weak fish to oblivion - & shows YOU how to do the same - STEP BY STEP!

  • Daily lessons, tests & challenges to turn you into a laser targeted WINNER.

  • Spying tools to look at opponents playing patterns so you can determine how they'll play in future.

  • Watch Doyle Brunson & Mike Caro slaughtr rookies online, raking in THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS in literally MINUTES!

So here's the low-down on what happened when i put this stuff into practise -

I went from a casual bit-part player into a CASH-SPITTING POKER MACHINE inside TWO WEEKS!

Now i know what you're thinking - yet more unfulfilled promises - That's why Curtis is offering a cast-iron guarantee.

Check it out for free here & turn yourself from a weak fish there for the taking into a top earning SHARK!

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